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Stay in Sync During the Change of Seasons


Change of Seasons Tree

“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.”    -Stanley Horowitz

The change of seasons is a great time to consider a detoxification. With the changing weather and evolving natural landscape, our bodies are called to adapt along with the environment. If our health is not up to par, we might feel sluggish, have problems with digestion and be low in energy at this time. Some symptoms might start to flare-up as fall approaches whether it’s allergies, skin conditions, sleep problems or low mood that you are suffering from. These are all signs that detoxification support is needed in your life.

Detoxification can lighten the load that the body has to clear out while coping with seasonal adaptation by stepping up natural cleansing mechanisms in our bodies. It is not only physical, but can occur on mental, emotional and spiritual levels as well. Generally, a detoxification program includes a nutritional component, some herbal or nutritional supplements, and some new health practices to implement during a set period of time. An individualized program can be developed for you by a naturopathic doctor that is well-suited to your level of health and lifestyle.

To support you during the change of seasons, here are some tips to help your body stay in sync:

  • Take walks in nature to connect with the change happening in our environment
  • Drink plenty of water  as every cell in our whole body requires water to function properly
  • Eat delicious, healthy alkaline foods to get all the nutrients you need to keep you fueled (watch for a special recipe in the next blog post later this month!
  • Be sure to get at least 30 minutes of morning light either outside or inside a room with lots of natural light which will help to regulate your sleep-wake cycle as your body adjusts to the changing light levels
  • Continue to exercise regularly – if summer activities have ended for you, take up a new sport or new way to stay physically active
  • Get extra naturopathic care at this time to help your seasonal transition such as body work for your immune system, acupuncture for increased energy or your personalized detoxification plan

If you are in the Toronto area and interested in having a program developed for you, contact me via email. I offer free 15 min info sessions via phone or in-person for you to determine whether naturopathic care is a good fit for your health goals.