Meditation is the experience of connecting with your inner world. While meditation may look different for everyone, it offers a powerful way to cultivate joy and peace from within. Below, I’ll share some simple steps to help you start meditating, but remember, the most important part is to explore it for yourself and discover what meditation means for you.
Positive Intention
Some people believe meditation is difficult, which can become an obstacle in itself. The truth is, meditation is a natural process, and it can bring immense joy. When you approach your practice with a positive intention—expecting to have a wonderful, happy experience—you’ll be much more likely to find peace and fulfillment in it.
New to Meditation? Try This!
If you’re new to meditation, here’s a quick and simple activity to get you started:
- Close your eyes.
- Picture your bedroom in your mind. What does it look like? What textures, colors, and sounds come to mind?
- Visualize the room in detail, scanning every object.
- Open your eyes and reflect on what you saw.
This exercise taps into your inner sense of vision—the ability to “see” without using your eyes. This is your inner world. See? You’ve already experienced a form of meditation!
Choosing Your Place
Pick a peaceful, quiet place in your home where you feel comfortable. Over time, you might create a little meditation corner that you return to daily. This space will help set the tone for a relaxing and focused practice.
Position Matters
Find a comfortable position to sit in. Sitting is usually recommended over lying down so you don’t accidentally fall asleep. The key is to keep your spine straight while ensuring you feel relaxed and supported.
Preparing for Your Practice
Before you start meditating, decide how long you’d like to meditate. You can set a timer with a gentle sound, or if you prefer, simply sit without any time limit and allow the meditation to take you where it will. If your mind starts to wander, take a few deep breaths and focus on the sensation of your breathing. Gradually, you’ll notice your thoughts slow down, and with time, they will quiet altogether.
Beginning Your Meditation
If thoughts come rushing in when you first sit down to meditate, don’t get discouraged. This is completely normal! Just focus on deep breathing for the time you’ve set aside. Once your thoughts start to settle, stay in that peaceful state and enjoy the stillness. If distractions arise, simply observe them without getting involved. Gently return your attention to your breath until the distractions pass. Over time, you’ll experience deeper moments of inner silence, bringing even greater joy and clarity.
Meditation creates an inner state of peaceful balance that you can carry with you wherever you go. Whether you’re on the morning commute, walking down the street, or at work, you can always come back to the present moment and find the calm you’ve been cultivating. The more you practice, the easier it becomes to find this sense of tranquility in everyday life.
For more encouragement and to explore the benefits of meditation, check out my previous post, Modern Meditation!
In health and peace,
Dr. Tara Guzzo, N.D.