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5 Summer Tips for Better Digestion

Sharing their lives with each other

  1. Relax – But in the most summery ways: find a piece of grass to sit or lay on, read a book under a tree, take off your socks and shoes, connect your feet to the Earth. Hit the beach, stroll through the forest, or sit on a sunny patio and sip iced tea or kombucha. Anything that helps you to de-stress will promote better digestion by flipping the switch on your nervous system to a channel where optimal digestion can occur.
  2. Eat Your Greens – having a salad before each meal can boost your digestive function. Dark leafy greens, particularly the bitter ones, help to prep your gut to receive food. On top of that, the act of chewing dark leafy greens releases locked-in nutrients. Even more reason to chew your food well.
  3. Berries – Darkly-pigmented berries offer a wealth of antioxidant protection that can go a long way in repairing digestive damage. More recently studied, the fiber in blueberries can have a relieving and preventive effect on digestive illness such as colitis by reducing inflammation. Get your fill while they’re fresh!
  4. H20 – Get plenty of water, and more when outdoors or exercising. Dehydration can set you back when it comes to your digestion and bowel frequency. Sip water all day long and consider a homemade electrolyte drink like this one (free of artificial flavours/colours/sweeteners):
  • 2L filtered water
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • Pinch of baking soda
  • Pinch of sea salt
  1. Be active – Work physical activity into your daily life, making it a part of your routine. Enjoy the beautiful weather by immersing yourself in summertime activities. Movement increases blood circulation to all of your organs, including your digestive tract. Not only will your digestion improve, but you can increase your energy and vitality.